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Did you know that you can request a personal video from Vic sent right to you?

It's true! Whether you are celebrating a personal milestone, sending Birthday greetings to a friend, or just wanting to get a speical hello, with Cameo, you can request a personal video for you or anyone you know.


Check out what actual recipents have said:

How Does It Work?

Cameo Logo property of Baron App, Inc. dba Cameo. 

© Risembool Rangers 2005-2020

 Risembool features copyright images from various animation, video production, manga production, and book publishing companies. Eventhough this imagery is featured on our site, we are not selling any merchandise that uses any artwork, photographs, trademarks, and/or images that are not copywritten to Vic Mignogna, Barb Myers or any other featured store product designer.  The Risembool Rangers logo, theme, website and merchandise is copyright (c) to Vic Mignogna. All rights reserved. Please do not sample, link, or use any content from this site with out the expressed permission of the site owner or of Vic Mignogna himself. Please click the following link to review the site's privacy policy for collection consumer information for our store. Risembool Ranger's Privacy Policy.

Website design by Neitherland Studios

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